Group We Support
Thrive Together
Corinth members have been involved with Thrive Together since 2013. Check out their Facebook page. Originally called Circles of Kettering, this group shares a weekly meal and meeting together at Fairhaven Church, designed to combat poverty by building relationships across class and race lines. Based on the principle that all of us experience poverty in our lives: in our relationships with God, with each other, with creation and within ourselves, people from all walks of life come together to support each other in setting and achieving goals. Often the challenges of isolation, loneliness and despair can hold people back as much as lack of material resources. With the supportive relationships of Thrive Together, we have seen people attain jobs with living wages, move out of subsidized housing, and further their education. In addition and most important of all, we see people understand and embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ and move forward in following Him.
Every other month Corinth folk provide a meal for Thrive Together, and some members have been involved as partners with those working their way out of poverty. We rejoice that we have been given this opportunity to reach out with the love of Christ.
For questions or interest in participation, please contact Betsy Wilson.
Missionaries We Support
Sean and Rev. Carmen Garrigan and family

The Garrigans are currently serving at MAG Headquarters in Burlington, NC.
As MAG’s Lead Flight Instructor and Flight Department Manager, Sean oversees the MAG flight training department and prepares missionary pilots for field deployment. Sean is a graduate of the Aviation Maintenance Technology program at Miramar College in San Diego and attended San Diego Christian College. He is an Instrument Rated Commercial Pilot and Certified Flight Instructor (CFI, CFII) and is licensed as an Airframe & Powerplant (A&P) mechanic.
Carmen serves as MAG’s Mobilization and Pastoral Care Manager, ministering to staff and apprentice families during their time in Burlington and, working to mobilize missionary candidates for field service. She received her B.A. in Spanish from Pepperdine University and went on to Princeton Theological Seminary for her Masters in Divinity. Carmen is an ordained Presbyterian Pastor.
We were grateful to welcome the Garrigans as they gave a presentation about their missionary work at Corinth in June 2023 and more recently on June 22nd 2024 with two adorable twins added to their family.

Doug Tilton

Mission co-worker in Southern Africa since 1992
Serving as Regional Liaison for Southern Africa
Contact: Doug Tilton (doug.tilton@pcusa.org)
Doug’s most recent letter update from August 2023
Give to the ministry of Doug Tilton
About Doug Tilton’s ministry
Doug Tilton currently serves as regional liaison for Southern Africa, helping to strengthen the mutual ministries of the PC(USA) and its partner churches and institutions in six countries: Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Regional liaisons are in regular contact with the PC(USA)’s partners, exploring ways of working together and building the capacity of the global church to bear witness to the good news of Christ’s redeeming love for all humanity. Doug also provides support for other PC(USA) mission personnel in the region and helps to connect PC(USA) presbyteries and congregations with their counterparts in Southern Africa.
We enjoyed meeting with Doug and hearing about his missionary work in May of 2024.
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