Our choir is an important and inspirational part of Corinth Presbyterian Church (CPC). Praise and worship is led by our Choir Director, Betsy Wilson. We have had the pleasure of guest musicians being featured or accompanying our choir on occasion. Betsy also leads music for Sunday school.
Choir Rehearsals take place on Thursdays at 7pm and all are welcome. The choir is currently on summer break until September 2024.

Currently Corinth is having a diaper drive starting June 30th and going through the month of July 2024 that will be donated to local families through one of our partner organizations, the Gem City Diaper Bank in Dayton Ohio.
Children and Families
During worship on Sunday mornings children are escorted to the Christian Education building or Gathering Place after the Children’s Moment around 10:45am for a time of songs, a Bible lesson, crafts, and play. Parents pick up their children at the classroom directly following worship around 11:30am. The Bible Lesson is led by one of Corinth’s volunteers. There are always at least two volunteers present in agreement with our Children Protection Policy (available upon request). All of Corinth’s volunteers are screened and required to pass a background check before they can work with children. Staff and volunteers also make a point of getting the guardian’s cell phone number beforehand so that staff or volunteers can contact the guardian during the worship service if needed. Songs and music are led by Choir Director, Betsy Wilson.
We hold Family Days or events about once a month. Family Days are family gatherings which usually follow the worship service and last about an hour and a half. Events mainly take place in the Christian Education Building (CE Building) beside Corinth Presbyterian Church. Family Day consists of fellowship, delicious meals, music, craft or activity, brief Bible Study and prayer. You and your family are invited to come and fellowship with us!

Corinth’s Youth during a Pizza/Movie party in the Gathering Place on December 27th 2023.
Sling Share
Baby slings are a safe and comfortable way for a mother or family member to hold the baby close (essential and positive for the baby’s development and beneficial for bonding with the mother/family member) while still having your hands free to be able to do other things. Sling Share is held the first Saturday of every month and classes are at 10:00am and 11:00am. Mothers and their babies should arrive a little before the start time to sign in and choose their sling. No advance registration is required. Classes last about 10 to 15 minutes, then each mother puts her baby in the sling and an instructor will check for comfort and safety.
For questions please contact Geneva or Pastor Cynthia at

Fiber Arts Group

Come one, come all. All levels are welcome as this is a friendly group that is more than happy to help teach knitting, crocheting or counter cross stitch. Meets on Tuesdays 10:00am to 12:00pm in the Gathering Place (towards the back left side of the church if you are facing the front of Corinth Church). There will be a sign to show you where to go. Bring yarn or your own project and see what you can create. Children are welcome to come and play.
For questions please contact Betsy Wilson at

Wendela, Gail, and Betsy work on their creative projects at Fiber Arts.
Soup Sundays
For Soup Sundays we fellowship and eat soup together after worship at 11:30am in the CE Building beside Corinth Presbyterian Church at 4269 Corinth Blvd Dayton 45410. Soup Sundays are held usually during the first Sunday of the month during the fall and winter from September through March. Join us for worship, soup, or both!!
Outdoor Bible Study

We are restarting the Outdoor Bible Study on Wednesday July 10th at 10am. If the weather is not cooperating we will meet in the Gathering Place at Corinth Church, otherwise we will set up chairs outside. We talk, pray, study the Bible and sometimes go for a short walk. If you have questions or if you are really interested in participating in this group but cannot do so at this time or day, please talk to Betsy or Myra.
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